The only Trump promise unfulfilled thus far: He said we’d get sick of winning, and we aren’t. Not even a little. We are, however, occasionally having...
They’ve introduced legislation like this before, and it has failed. This time might be different. Recently, U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson’s (R-N.C.) introded a new Concealed Carry...
Don’t let the doorknob hit ya, Stevie-Boy. Steve Dettelbach, the current director of the ATF, has announced that he will resign effective January 18, two days...
IF JUST ONE LIFE IS SAVED, IT’LL BE WORTH IT! Let’s face it, German car culture is absolutely out of control. It has a serious body...
Ever read “Bonfire of the Vanities”? As the unofficial center of the free world, New York City has also represented a gun-banner’s daydream since it adopted...
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: The Founding Fathers didn’t miss much, but they missed something critical when they wrote the Second Amendment....
I guess Biden was the “lying dog-face pony soldier” all along … The Citizens’ Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has one of...
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Every accusation leveled at pro-gun pols is actually a confession from the accuser. When we were told...
Imagine being so unhinged you’d stop donations going to a children’s hospital because you didn’t like how the funds were raised. For gun banners, that’s not...
On Tuesday, the nation rejected the toothy Glock Tuah … and the anti-gunners are spitting mad! There are a lot of reasons to be happy about...