We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Every accusation leveled at pro-gun pols is actually a confession from the accuser. When we were told...
Kamala Harris is not okay. This is, hands-down, the strangest presidential election cycle in the last 60 years. A sitting president was revealed to be seriously...
The city of New Orleans doesn’t believe it’s in America. Part of the reason why is that for the first half of its existence, it actually...
We, as a society, have defined “dangerous” down. That’s a bad thing. When most of us–even the most dedicated pro-2A activists–hear about gun laws that prevent...
Clown-Town’s anti-gun journalists–but we repeat ourselves–have a new trauma to trumpet! It’s official: Chi-Town is now Clown-Town. The city’s leaders care more about the “trauma” of...
And now they’re all out of ideas. Lucky for them, the proletariats have some! One of the unintentional hilarities of socialism is that, for a philosophy...
Two months ago, the Second Amendment Foundation asked a simple question: Why shouldn’t medical cannabis patients be allowed to own guns? As we reported in our...
Beware the coming storm, borne on the jetstream from the Left Coast, flooding California with salty tears and plenty of hot air! The Second Amendment Foundation...
I suspect New York State is about to enter the “found out” phase of FA/FO, courtesy of GOA and GOF … If you’ve been reading the...
It’s called Garland v. Cargill, and someday we may remember it the way we remember Bruen and Heller. Garland v. Cargill is the culmination of six...