A wise man once said: There are lies, damn lies, and mainstream American journalism. If you’ve ever wondered how otherwise relatively intelligent people can get caught...
We live in a time when, every single time a horrific crime is committed with a gun, the media rushes out to blame…well, all of the...
Last week, when we were talking about my “can’t-miss” plan to stop mass shootings, the discussion centered (somewhat snarkily) on what the media and we, the...
Don’t let the doorknob hit ya, Stevie-Boy. Steve Dettelbach, the current director of the ATF, has announced that he will resign effective January 18, two days...
Why do otherwise intelligent-seeming Americans think there’s no such thing as “good guys with guns”? That question haunts a lot of Second Amendment advocates, including me....
Every day, we get a little further through Lewis Carroll’s storied “looking glass.” Up is down. Black is white. Russia invaded Ukraine under Trump. Springfield, Ohio...
It’ s called the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), and it’s the #1 publication for doctors in the U.S. The politicization of medical science may...
If you ever had any doubt that Big Tech has its thumb on the scale, here’s your proof … We’ve reported many times on the media’s...
I love Venn diagrams! Who doesn’t love a yellow Venn diagram? NGYAGHHAAAHAA! Raise your hand if you’re fascinated by the craters on the round yellow schoolbus....
Let’s have some empathy: When you’re an anti-gun Chicago alderman (but we repeat ourselves), it can be tough to stay chipper! The emotional fragility of anti-gun...