Consider, for a moment, the dilemma faced by your average gun-banner. Let’s call him “Derp.” After having struggled through the perils of getting his shoes on...
The only Trump promise unfulfilled thus far: He said we’d get sick of winning, and we aren’t. Not even a little. We are, however, occasionally having...
Cue the rending of garments and gnashing of teeth! When we heard the phrase “Promises Made, Promises Kept” from then-candidate Trump, some of us pro-gun folks...
Don’t let the doorknob hit ya, Stevie-Boy. Steve Dettelbach, the current director of the ATF, has announced that he will resign effective January 18, two days...
I guess Biden was the “lying dog-face pony soldier” all along … The Citizens’ Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has one of...
Kamala Harris is not okay. This is, hands-down, the strangest presidential election cycle in the last 60 years. A sitting president was revealed to be seriously...
This is John Kerry’s “goose hunt” all over again. Only dumber! Starting to miss John Kerry yet? He may not have exactly covered himself in glory...
Every day, we get a little further through Lewis Carroll’s storied “looking glass.” Up is down. Black is white. Russia invaded Ukraine under Trump. Springfield, Ohio...
It’ s called the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), and it’s the #1 publication for doctors in the U.S. The politicization of medical science may...
If you ever had any doubt that Big Tech has its thumb on the scale, here’s your proof … We’ve reported many times on the media’s...