One of the things that tickles me the most about Creepy Uncle Joe (other than Biden himself, when he’s mistaken me for an intern) is the...
Now THAT is a great shot! Take your best shot with Guns & Gadgets Daily’s GREAT SHOT! III $5K Gun & Gear Giveaway! Our prize package stars...
Joe Biden thinks this guy should be in charge of your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. If you ever needed confirmation of just how hostile...
USCCA used to just be about self-defense against criminals. Now it’s about defending the 2A, too. As part of its continued leadership to grow support for...
Reeds Family Outdoor Outfitters has cracked the code for online “gun shows”! Reeds Family Outdoor Outfitters has been putting on their famous gun fair for years, but...
“California’s dumbest new gun law” is a bold claim, we know… Just as much Scottish cuisine is apparently based on a schoolyard dare, most of California’s...
The Hearing Protection Act may be dead in the water…but your hearing doesn’t have to be. Sadly, it looks like it will be a minimum of...
Michelle Viscusi has haters…but she can’t hear them. Ever met Michelle Viscusi? Well, this pro shooter has been tearing up the competitive shooting scene with her...
So it seems that anti-gun Representative Eric Swalwell has been caught with a Chinese spy. Have you ever wondered just what it might take to turn...