Got liberals? Good. We need them, and they need us. Most of the time, it’s probably not a problem—your friends and family whose political leanings are...
Here’s why you should care about Florida’s ban on gun ownership for adults under 21. In the immediate aftermath of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas...
Breaking News: Your tax dollars went to help keep anti-gunners working against your rights. Irony alert: The Second Amendment Foundation would like to reveal that the...
NRA Challenge to Florida’s “No Guns Under 21” Law Will Have its Day in Court It’s axiomatic: Any law dealing with firearms passed in the immediate...
If you ever needed proof that “gun control” is about “control” and not “guns,” here it is. The gun-grabbers of the world love to pretend that...
Boy howdy, anti-gunners love “red flag” laws like a fat kid loves cake… Anti-gunners are like teenage girls in a lot of ways; in addition to...
In a turn of events that should have surprised exactly no one, Los Angeles is now the second major California city to back down from their...
From the moment that Virginia Governor Ralph Northam settled himself into the gubernatorial mansion in Richmond—thoughtfully purchased for him by America’s wealthiest gun-grabber, Mike Bloomberg—he has...