When you absolutely, positively must have the ultimate in accuracy and terminal performance… When the top tier of professional shooters insists on using Federal Ammunition to...
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: The Founding Fathers didn’t miss much, but they missed something critical when they wrote the Second Amendment....
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Every accusation leveled at pro-gun pols is actually a confession from the accuser. When we were told...
This is John Kerry’s “goose hunt” all over again. Only dumber! Starting to miss John Kerry yet? He may not have exactly covered himself in glory...
It would be a policy of “you can keep your Second Amendment, if you can afford it.” As the 2024 Democratic National Convention comes to a...
For all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: “CCRKBA Was Right Again.” It’s been said that the four most hateful words in...
Within moments of the Harris campaign’s choice of Gov. Walz, social-media shills all started describing him as “America’s Dad.” More like your drunk uncle who isn’t...
If you ever had any doubt that Big Tech has its thumb on the scale, here’s your proof … We’ve reported many times on the media’s...
“I think you’re a rebellious bunch, but let’s be rebellious and vote this time.” Let’s face it: We gun owners are actually very diverse. That doesn’t...
Two months ago, the Second Amendment Foundation asked a simple question: Why shouldn’t medical cannabis patients be allowed to own guns? As we reported in our...