America’s dumbest preschool teacher is at it again … There are few things funnier than watching Kamala Harris lecture a crowd about any topic. (“Wait until...
Mayor Adams’ muzzle is smokin’ and it smells like infringement! New York City Mayor Adams is on the warpath against “assault weapons,” and he’s loaded for...
Hmm…what’s that stench? Smells like infringement! Watching anti-gunners try to do an end-run around the recent Supreme Court Bruen decision would be hilarious if our rights...
The Constitution says “Keep and Bear Arms.” Maybe they should have included “Buy.” There’s a famous science fiction novel called The Weapon Shops of Isher. It’s...
One of the things that tickles me the most about Creepy Uncle Joe (other than Biden himself, when he’s mistaken me for an intern) is the...
Hmm, what’s that smell? Why, it’s infringement! Some time ago, the state of New York had a list of potential ways to cut down on crimes...
“California’s dumbest new gun law” is a bold claim, we know… Just as much Scottish cuisine is apparently based on a schoolyard dare, most of California’s...
What’s that smell? Infringement! It’s a mistake to think that former Vice President Joe Biden’s radical antigun campaign stops with the banning and confiscation of AR-15-style...
The gun-grabbers’ motto has always been “Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste.” COVID-19 is that crisis. One of the most infuriatingly hilarious facts about anti-gunners...
I feel like Beetlejuice: I’ve seen gun-grabbers get mad at their own laws 167 times, and it just keeps getting funnier… The Coronavirus pandemic is doing...