Consider the Tesla owner’s dilemma: He’s gone from Virtuous Carbon-Neutral Energy Angel to Musk Demon overnight. The problem with virtue signaling is that, sometimes, the noise...
Everybody panic! It’s a pandemic! (But they just want “two weeks to flatten the curve.”) The last five years have been deeply corrosive to our nation...
Dear Trump Administration Justice Department: Weed like a word with you. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: How does it make any sense...
Bloomberg and Soros didn’t even bother digging into their own wallets–isn’t that neat? Those two are among the bigger names arrayed against the Second Amendment, and...
“Invictus,” my rosy-red fundament. The Canadians have conquered themselves. “Invictus” means “unconquered” in Latin, and it’s a particularly ironic way to title a Canadian winter-sports event....
Cue the rending of garments and gnashing of teeth! When we heard the phrase “Promises Made, Promises Kept” from then-candidate Trump, some of us pro-gun folks...
You know that scene in the Western movie when the good sheriff–whom everyone thought was dead–appears in the third act to save the day? “Yeah, that’s right,”...
They’ve introduced legislation like this before, and it has failed. This time might be different. Recently, U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson’s (R-N.C.) introded a new Concealed Carry...
Don’t let the doorknob hit ya, Stevie-Boy. Steve Dettelbach, the current director of the ATF, has announced that he will resign effective January 18, two days...
IF JUST ONE LIFE IS SAVED, IT’LL BE WORTH IT! Let’s face it, German car culture is absolutely out of control. It has a serious body...
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