The anti-gunners are chortling in glee at their “clever” little loophole in the Second Amendment. All over America, the nation’s courts are striking down unconstitutional firearm...
It’ s called the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), and it’s the #1 publication for doctors in the U.S. The politicization of medical science may...
It would be a policy of “you can keep your Second Amendment, if you can afford it.” As the 2024 Democratic National Convention comes to a...
For all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: “CCRKBA Was Right Again.” It’s been said that the four most hateful words in...
Within moments of the Harris campaign’s choice of Gov. Walz, social-media shills all started describing him as “America’s Dad.” More like your drunk uncle who isn’t...
If you ever had any doubt that Big Tech has its thumb on the scale, here’s your proof … We’ve reported many times on the media’s...
I love Venn diagrams! Who doesn’t love a yellow Venn diagram? NGYAGHHAAAHAA! Raise your hand if you’re fascinated by the craters on the round yellow schoolbus....
For decades, America has treated Vice Presidents as literal “also-rans.” This was a mistake. Let’s not make it again. Our general disregard for the importance of...
The city of New Orleans doesn’t believe it’s in America. Part of the reason why is that for the first half of its existence, it actually...
We, as a society, have defined “dangerous” down. That’s a bad thing. When most of us–even the most dedicated pro-2A activists–hear about gun laws that prevent...