Every day, we get a little further through Lewis Carroll’s storied “looking glass.” Up is down. Black is white. Russia invaded Ukraine under Trump. Springfield, Ohio...
It’ s called the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), and it’s the #1 publication for doctors in the U.S. The politicization of medical science may...
It would be a policy of “you can keep your Second Amendment, if you can afford it.” As the 2024 Democratic National Convention comes to a...
Within moments of the Harris campaign’s choice of Gov. Walz, social-media shills all started describing him as “America’s Dad.” More like your drunk uncle who isn’t...
For decades, America has treated Vice Presidents as literal “also-rans.” This was a mistake. Let’s not make it again. Our general disregard for the importance of...
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.” –C.S. Lewis The best way to tell whether...
“I think you’re a rebellious bunch, but let’s be rebellious and vote this time.” Let’s face it: We gun owners are actually very diverse. That doesn’t...
“These poor souls… are looking for some answers,” Rep. Pelosi said. “We’ve given them to them, but they’re blocked by some of their views on guns…” Isn’t...
Sit down, kiddos, while I GenerationXplain some things … If you’re one of those little whippersnappers born after the turn of the millennium, then chances are...
And now they’re all out of ideas. Lucky for them, the proletariats have some! One of the unintentional hilarities of socialism is that, for a philosophy...