Want to get paid big taxpayer bucks to do literally nothing except give whiny quotes to the mainstream media? If you were born without a conscience,...
Let’s get this part out of the way right now: Most Americans would be okay with this if due process were being honored. It’s not. Most...
This is what anti-gunners actually believe. Every now and then, a gun-grabber will (usually by accident) give us some genuine insight into their thought processes. From...
BREAKING: Saturday Night Live had a segment that was actually funny! The fact that the humor was unintentional shouldn’t detract from our laughter, because everything about...
It’s called Garland v. Cargill, and someday we may remember it the way we remember Bruen and Heller. Garland v. Cargill is the culmination of six...
Picture it: District of Columbia, 1994. Clinton’s “Assault Weapons” ban is in force, and Michelle Grisham’s style is current. Fact is, if you remember the Nineties...
New York’s Rust Belt just got rustier, thanks to its rusty starfish governor! Sometimes, the anti-gunners get exactly what they want, and they get it good...
This is why we cannot let individual crimes affect our individual right to self-defense. Last night, a maniac in Lewiston, Maine committed a disgusting act of...
Michelle Grisham has been handed several stunning defeats, so naturally it’s time for her to take a victory lap! New Mexico Governor Grisham is the archetypal...
Turns out giving away free money wasn’t the greatest idea (who knew?) … In addition to fueling the current inflation crisis, it seems that giving away...