It’s been a hell of an interesting week in The Swamp … Yesterday, in a decision that many Second Amendment activists found shocking and disappointing, the...
The only Trump promise unfulfilled thus far: He said we’d get sick of winning, and we aren’t. Not even a little. We are, however, occasionally having...
Ever read “Bonfire of the Vanities”? As the unofficial center of the free world, New York City has also represented a gun-banner’s daydream since it adopted...
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Every accusation leveled at pro-gun pols is actually a confession from the accuser. When we were told...
On Tuesday, the nation rejected the toothy Glock Tuah … and the anti-gunners are spitting mad! There are a lot of reasons to be happy about...
Maybe she’d respect the Bill of Rights more if it came with salt to lick and a lime to suck. I gave my editor two choices...
Within moments of the Harris campaign’s choice of Gov. Walz, social-media shills all started describing him as “America’s Dad.” More like your drunk uncle who isn’t...
I love Venn diagrams! Who doesn’t love a yellow Venn diagram? NGYAGHHAAAHAA! Raise your hand if you’re fascinated by the craters on the round yellow schoolbus....
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.” –C.S. Lewis The best way to tell whether...
“These poor souls… are looking for some answers,” Rep. Pelosi said. “We’ve given them to them, but they’re blocked by some of their views on guns…” Isn’t...