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Announcing the Molon Labe Giveaway (Just For Beto O’Rourke!)

Come. And. Get. Them.
“Hell yes, we’re coming to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” said 2020 Democratic presidential contender Beto O’ Rourke, as he detailed his plan for a “mandatory buyback” of firearms that he and other gun-grabbers find icky. That’s why Guns & Gadgets Daily is proud to introduce our latest giveaway, which we’ve created in Beto’s honor: the Molon Labe Giveaway. Between now and midnight on October 31, 2019, we’re giving away a custom-painted, one-of-a-kind AR-15, and an AK-47 to match, to one lucky winner.
If you’re a student of history—or just someone who enjoys Frank Miller movies—you know that the taunt “Molon Labe” was how Sparta’s King Leonidas responded to Xerxes’ demand that he and his 300 Spartans hand over their weapons. The translation from the Greek is, roughly, “Come and Get Them,” and we here at Guns & Gadgets Daily are reminding American gun owners everywhere that the spirit of Leonidas lives on in all of us…protected by the Second Amendment.
These fine rifles have been custom-painted by the one and only XDMAN with a motif that fans of the movie 300 will recognize–just the thing for hunting, target shooting, home defense, or just giving good ol’ Beta O’ Dork nightmares as he realizes that there are now two more guns out there that he’d really like to take away.
Whether we’re defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms against an 8-foot-tall androgyne with way too many facial piercings, or some reedy little ninny who missed his calling as a third-grade hall monitor, it’s good to know that the proper response is the same today as it was 2,500 years ago: “Molon Labe.”
Entering the Molon Labe Giveaway is as easy to understand as the Second Amendment, and it’s every bit as free: just CLICK HERE, enter your contact details, and wait for our November 1 announcement of our lucky winner.
Here’s a complete listing of our prize package:
One (1) Smith & Wesson M&P Sport II AR-15 Rifle, chambered in 5.56mm with custom colors Valued at: $939
One (1) Century Arms N-PAP M70 AK-47 Rifle, chambered in 7.62×39 with custom colors Valued at: $1,099.99
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