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Biden Defunds Schools with Hunting or Archery Programs
Is the mind a terrible thing to waste? If you’re Biden, a waste is a terrible thing to mind.
Imagine discovering that the school your child attends has just been defunded because it has an archery program. Imagine discovering that the people who shout the loudest about improving public schools for everyone (a laudable goal) are happy to destroy a school because some students are attending voluntary after-school hunter education classes. Imagine learning that it’s not your imagination; it’s really happening, right now. Today, we have a notice from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) that should put paid to any notions you may have that anyone on the anti-gun side of the aisle cares even a little bit about education.
The Biden administration has sunk to a new low in its anti-gun crusade, reportedly withholding funds from schools that have hunting or archery programs as part of their curriculum, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
Fox News is reporting the administration “is blocking key federal funding earmarked under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 for schools with hunting and archery programs. This is allegedly happening because the administration may be “misinterpreting” provisions in the ESEA and last year’s Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), as suggested by Texas Sen. John Cornyn and Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina, both Republicans.
“While we appreciate the diplomacy exhibited by Senators Cornyn and Tillis,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “we’re not convinced the Biden administration is making an innocent mistake here. Quite the opposite, in fact. This appears to be just another manifestation of Joe Biden’s crusade against anything promoting a positive approach to firearms, especially if it is taught in elementary and secondary schools, where young people can learn about genuine firearms safety, and perhaps prevent a tragedy.
“We’re joining our friends at the National Shooting Sports Foundation and Safari Club International in raising alarms because this appears to be just one more attack on the Second Amendment by the Biden administration,” he added. “But instead of confining his hostility to the grown men and women of the outdoors and the larger shooting community, now the strategy includes depriving youngsters of opportunities to learn valuable life skills.
“Maybe if Biden’s own son had enjoyed such an opportunity as a youngster,” Gottlieb said, “he might have known better than to do something which has now landed him in court.
“Having watched Joe Biden throughout his political career, embracing every gun control measure to come along,” he observed, “this was almost predictable. History has demonstrated that if there’s a way to impair any positive firearms program, he will find it.”
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