A Web of Eldritch Lightning Ignites the Sky, Arcing to the Heart of … Our Monster Giveaway! Lub-dub, lub-dub … it’s alive! They said it couldn’t...
The Constitution says “Keep and Bear Arms.” Maybe they should have included “Buy.” There’s a famous science fiction novel called The Weapon Shops of Isher. It’s...
The anti-gunners in Congress have decided to table the “assault weapons” ban vote for now. According to reporting from Politico, House Democrats have elected to punt...
The first thing to know about California’s Nanny State is that Nanny needs children to punish. The next thing to know about California’s Nanny State is...
Last chance to enter the Home Defense II $4.5K Guns & Gear Giveaway! We launched this giveaway a few weeks ago exclusively for our readers at...
Recent headlines have suggested that the current crop of anti-gun Astroturfers are thirsty for more gun control. Trouble is, a whole bunch of new gun owners...
When Vidkun Quisling collaborated with the Nazis in WWII, his name became synonymous with treason. Today, we have some disturbing news courtesy of a new Quinnipiac...
How many times must America answer this poll the same way before the anti-gunners listen? While Joe Biden is pushing for more gun control laws, a...
Social media rejects the Second Amendment, but they can’t stop the signal. The Second Amendment Foundation today announced it is expanding its media effort to warn...
Today, we have some excellent news straight from the nation’s highest court! Following Wednesday morning’s oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of New...