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Kamala Harris’ Venn Diagram: Constitution-Shredding and Word Salad



This Venn diagram is incorrect. It should be a perfect circle.

I love Venn diagrams!

Who doesn’t love a yellow Venn diagram? NGYAGHHAAAHAA! Raise your hand if you’re fascinated by the craters on the round yellow schoolbus. NGYAGHAAHAAA! I see all of you! Raising your hands! Venn diagrams, craters, and electric schoolbus wheels are made of circles. And when those circles overlap … NGYAAGHAHAAA! We all learn. We can all learn about the circles and what they mean. NGYAGHAGAHGAH! One circle says something important on it. That important thing is “word salad.” Do you know what word salad is? NGYAYAHAHA! The other circle is also important! All the circles are important! It says “shreds the Constitution.” Yes. The Constitution. Raise your hand if you hate the Constitution! NGYAHAHAHAHGAH! Me too! Me too!

And look where the circles overlap in the middle! Can you see the middle where the circles overlap? Can you imagine that space, in a place, that is here and unburdened by what has been for the last 250 years? NGYAHAHAHAA! An intersection? An intersection in space and place? That magic middle! It has mine and Joe Biden’s name right there! Right there in the middle! That’s what the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says. But that won’t show up in the mainstream media, no. NGYAHAHAHAHA! So please clap for me, and not this message.


“If you think Joe Biden is bad on gun rights, Kamala Harris will prove to be worse,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is warning America’s gun owners as the vice president has now launched her bid to become the next president.

“Since her days in the California Legislature, Kamala Harris has been an ardent gun prohibitionist,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “When she first arrived at the U.S. Senate, she co-sponsored gun control legislation to ban so-called ‘assault weapons.’ When she ran for president in 2020, she called for a ‘mandatory buy-back’ program, which translates to compensated gun confiscation.

“For the past several months,” he continued, “she’s been over-seeing the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which is a thinly-disguised, first-of-its-kind mini-bureaucracy established by this administration to generate restrictive gun control policies which are pushed in states controlled by Democrat administrations.

“Hopefully,” Gottlieb observed, “she has been just as ineffective and inefficient as the administration’s ‘gun czar’ as she was as Joe Biden’s ‘border czar.’ Even as she launched her campaign in Milwaukee, gun control was part of her agenda as she called for a ban on modern semiautomatic rifles and advocated for so-called ‘universal background checks,’ which translates to national gun registration, neither of which would prevent criminals from illegally obtaining firearms.

“We know Kamala Harris, like her boss and her Capitol Hill allies, is an anti-gun-rights extremist whose ultimate goal is to reduce the fundamental right protected by the Second Amendment to nothing more than a government-regulated privilege,” Gottlieb said. “She talks about how she believes in freedom, but evidently that belief suddenly evaporates when it comes to the freedom to own a gun and choose what kind of firearm you want to own.

“Joe Biden has been a 50-year bad dream,” he said. “Kamala Harris would be a nightmare.”



  1. Kenneth Fulton

    July 28, 2024 at 5:44 pm

    Thats alleviant. Tell me how in the WH has never done anything against the law.Oboma let very very bad terrorists out of getmo for money, they were responsible for many American deaths.He should of been crucified and never allowed to be a free man.

  2. James G. Mothes

    July 27, 2024 at 5:38 pm

    Cisco, you are one mixed up POS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. John T. Dorey

    July 26, 2024 at 11:56 am

    Both PARTIES Want to CONTROL US , Just In Different Ways… Neither Wants us to have TOOO MUCH

  4. Dave

    July 25, 2024 at 3:53 pm


    This is the best diagram explaining a Leftist candidate that I’ve ever seen.

  5. Kenneth Cisco

    July 25, 2024 at 3:45 pm

    Some of my family members and friends are always bashing the admistration when it is not republican. Because of that I will always vote for the big D party. I would never put a convicted felon in offce.

    • Kenneth Filosa

      July 26, 2024 at 1:07 pm

      The white house has a family member who is a convicted felon put that in your pipe and smok it

    • Alan

      July 26, 2024 at 2:30 pm

      Exactly what was the felony? Spell it out.

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