Fire up the Dysphemism Treadmill, because Ohio’s Willis Blackshear wants to take this one for a jog … When will people learn that descriptive names will...
For almost every mass shooting, there’s a law that would have prevented it if it had been enforced. In the wake of the Lewiston massacre, the...
The Biden administration believes a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Unless that mind likes archery. Then waste away! Remember last month when the Biden...
Hmm…what’s that stench? Smells like infringement! Watching anti-gunners try to do an end-run around the recent Supreme Court Bruen decision would be hilarious if our rights...
Is the mind a terrible thing to waste? If you’re Biden, a waste is a terrible thing to mind. Imagine discovering that the school your child...
Last month, we wondered why the IRS has guns. Turns out, we were asking the wrong question. The real question isn’t “Why does the IRS have...
It’s official: Washington State has now entered the “found out” phase. The “fooling around” in Washington state goes back to 2020, when its citizens and administration...
It’s not the news media that tells you the real story. It’s the court dockets. Several years ago, a monster went into a Texas church and...
Have you ever noticed how often mass shootings happen in “gun-free” zones? The mass murderers have. While German authorities continue their investigation into the mass shooting...
Back in 1993, Joe Biden was busy shepherding the ’94 “Assault Weapons Ban” through Congress. The Nineties were heady days to be a gun banner. Bill...