Let’s get this part out of the way right now: Most Americans would be okay with this if due process were being honored. It’s not. Most...
America’s dumbest preschool teacher is at it again … There are few things funnier than watching Kamala Harris lecture a crowd about any topic. (“Wait until...
Two months ago, the Second Amendment Foundation asked a simple question: Why shouldn’t medical cannabis patients be allowed to own guns? As we reported in our...
Fire up the Dysphemism Treadmill, because Ohio’s Willis Blackshear wants to take this one for a jog … When will people learn that descriptive names will...
Beware the coming storm, borne on the jetstream from the Left Coast, flooding California with salty tears and plenty of hot air! The Second Amendment Foundation...
BREAKING: Saturday Night Live had a segment that was actually funny! The fact that the humor was unintentional shouldn’t detract from our laughter, because everything about...
It’s called Garland v. Cargill, and someday we may remember it the way we remember Bruen and Heller. Garland v. Cargill is the culmination of six...
Ever heard of “The Narcissist’s Prayer”? That Never Happened! And also you are remembering it wrong! And if you’re remembering it right, it wasn’t that big...
Picture it: District of Columbia, 1994. Clinton’s “Assault Weapons” ban is in force, and Michelle Grisham’s style is current. Fact is, if you remember the Nineties...
New York’s Attorney General, Letitia James, wants to forbid civilian sale of ammunition from the Lake City facility. We’re in receipt of one of the dumbest...