Here’s an “inconvenient truth” that today’s crop of gun-banners wishes you’d ignore… If you listen to the current crop of Presidential candidates, it would be very...
My sides hurt, my cheeks ache, and I can’t draw a full breath…all thanks to these nimrods. Every election season, the anti-gunners vie to see who...
I feel like this election cycle’s crop of anti-gunners isn’t trying very hard. Here’s my “modest proposal” to help them kick it up a notch. The...
This whole thing will be a lot funnier if you read it to yourself in David Attenborough’s voice, but Gordon Ramsay’s will work okay too. The...
Wondering what that smell is? No, nobody’s boiling broccoli…it’s Sen. Cory Booker! I don’t know about you, but my favorite part of the campaign election cycle...