Could the Biden administration’s contempt for American veterans be any clearer? Today, we have a deeply troubling report courtesy of our friends at the National Shooting...
Who knew it was this easy to show the gun-grabbers what we think? Have you ever noticed that anti-gunners have a childlike, magical-thinking way of processing...
Kamala Harris says guns are a “public health crisis.” Perhaps she uses them … differently … than most women. Anti-gunners have been trying to describe gun...
Riddle: When is a soldier not a soldier? Answer: When a gun-grabber says so! How many times have anti-gunners smugly announced that if we wish to...
Are these ninnies all cloned from the same pair of skinny jeans, or … ? If you read our Father’s Day gift guide for anti-gun Dads,...
“Do you solemnly swear NOT to defend the Constitution?” Can you imagine a group of people who would go around medical schools insisting that the new...
Isn’t it weird how science doesn’t matter when anti-gunners and anti-hunters don’t like what it says? People have been ignoring science when it suits them to...
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire, And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire…...
The first thing you need to know about American “gun control” is that it began specifically to disarm freed Black slaves as part of the “Jim...
FACT: All of America’s original “gun control” laws were part of its “Jim Crow” code designed to keep freed Black people from defending themselves. Ever noticed...