New York Governor Kathy Hochul saw a madman commit a terrible crime … and judged the Bill of Rights guilty. A few days ago, some waste...
Had we but crayons enough and time, this clowning, ladies, would be no crime … A few days ago, the New York City subway system was...
Recent headlines have suggested that the current crop of anti-gun Astroturfers are thirsty for more gun control. Trouble is, a whole bunch of new gun owners...
When Vidkun Quisling collaborated with the Nazis in WWII, his name became synonymous with treason. Today, we have some disturbing news courtesy of a new Quinnipiac...
Before you say “The Bill of Rights prevents that,” have a look at what our own anti-gun Congress-critters are doing. All psychologists know that the best...
This isn’t a conspiracy theory. These are facts. Right now, 14 American state Attorneys General are joining in a lawsuit that was launched by a foreign...
Can we all get a nice, hearty, “Let’s Go, Brandon”? If you’ve been reading Freedom’s Lodge for a while, you know perfectly well that banning guns...
Today, we have a terrific article from the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Larry Keane. The NSSF’s research division has learned of new data courtesy of polling...
Hmm, what’s that smell? Why, it’s infringement! Some time ago, the state of New York had a list of potential ways to cut down on crimes...
Editor’s Note: We have a lot of fun here at Freedom’s Lodge with the “Sh*t Anti-Gunners Say,” but our friends over at the National Shooting Sports...