Breaking News
Pistol Arm Brace Ban Suspended for Second Amendment Foundation & Its Members
A federal judge recently blocked the ATF’s unconstitutional pistol arm-brace ban … but not for everyone. Are you covered?
As we’ve reported extensively here, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Anything Fun (BATFEIEIO) has been on a mission to ban pistol arm braces, which are nothing more than adaptive equipment that allows people with arm-strength problems to shoot handguns. What they’re doing is unconstitutional on its face, and a federal judge recently agreed. In the process of doing that, the judge made a clarification: The Second Amendment Foundation and its members are currently still “permitted” to have pistol arm braces.
Following that clarification, interest in SAF membership was so heavy during the first 24 hours it crashed the website. The website is back up! SAF offers several different tiers of memberships which are available at Annual membership is $15, a five-year membership is $50 and a life membership is $150. Membership is effective upon date of receipt.
Not that you own a pistol arm brace, of course. Neither do I! But if we did …
A federal judge has clarified the scope of an injunction in a Second Amendment Foundation challenge to the Biden administration’s new “Arm Brace Rule.” The case is known as SAF, v. ATF, et. al.
SAF is joined in the case by Rainier Arms, LLC and two private citizens, Samuel Walley and William Green. They are represented by attorney Chad Flores at Flores Law in Houston, Texas.
In her prior order granting the preliminary injunction, U.S. District Judge Jane J. Boyle wrote, “The Court grants in part the Motion and issues a preliminary injunction as to Plaintiffs in this case only,” leaving a question as to whether the injunction applied to members of SAF. Late yesterday, SAF filed a motion to clarify the scope of the injunction. Today, Judge Boyle clarified the prior order with a new order and in a docket entry which stated, “The Court confirms that its Preliminary Injunction Order applies to both the Second Amendment Foundation, Inc. and its members.”
“SAF has received numerous inquiries from individuals as to whether the injunction covered our members,” said SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “Our attorney had attempted to reach an understanding with the government as to the scope of the injunction and coverage of our members. When it became apparent that the parties were not seeing eye to eye on the matter, despite the 5th Circuit’s clarification in another case on this exact point, we asked the court for clarification. We are pleased to see that Judge Boyle agrees with our interpretation and that our members are indeed protected under this injunction.”
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