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Smells Like Infringement

An Article You Can’t Share on Facebook: Censoring Olympic Shooters



Image courtesy NSSF/Via USAShooting

If you ever had any doubt that Big Tech has its thumb on the scale, here’s your proof …

We’ve reported many times on the media’s anti-Second Amendment bias. Thing is, the mainstream media has nothing on social media, especially when it comes to “low information” voters. So many Americans now rely on their social media network to deliver their news that censoring certain viewpoints on platforms like Facebook … and Facebook knows it. These platforms have built-in algorithms that will prevent certain commentary from showing up in readers’ newsfeeds. Out of sight, out of mind.

The problem for them is that, sometimes, people get curious and go searching for content outside the little ideological box that Facebook/Meta has assigned to them. What if someone who’s neutral or leans left on guns sees a positive story about self-defense? Or a positive story about someone overcoming her disabilities to reach Olympic success? Can’t have that! So, obviously, the next step is to deplatform anyone–individual Americans as well as advocacy groups–who posts about or supports the Second Amendment. The results, predictably, are equally rage-inducing and ridiculous.

Our friends at the NSSF have all the details … if you’re on blood-pressure medication, we recommend you take your dose before reading.


Big Tech Anti-2A Censorship Strikes Again

By Joe Bartozzi

In recent years, Big Tech has expanded its control over public discourse with platforms like YouTube and Meta (the parent company of Facebook and Instagram), imposing draconian restrictions on firearm-related content. This isn’t just about policy – it’s a blatant affront to our First and Second Amendment rights. A glaring example is McKenna Geer, a Paralympic shooter poised to represent Team USA in Paris.

McKenna’s story is inspirational. Born with congenital amyoplasia arthrogryposis, she has overcome enormous obstacles to compete at the highest levels in shooting sports.

Silencing a Paralympian

However, instead of celebrating these triumphs, Meta chose to shadow-ban her for simply sharing sports-related content. Earlier this month, McKenna posted a photo on Instagram of the air rifle she uses to qualify for the Paralympic Games. Meta flagged the photo as violating their guidelines, placing her on a censorship list.

McKenna Geer - Rio Paralympics
Mckenna Geer won a bronze medal at the Rio 2016 Olympics. Photo Courtesy of USA Shooting.

This shadow-banning is not some small speed bump on the road to stardom; it is a deliberate attempt to silence her voice, an attack against her and her sport. She is not just any other athlete. She is a Paralympian who won a bronze medal in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro games. A Big Tech giant that cares more about promoting its antigun agenda than embracing an extraordinary athlete will not permit McKenna to share her journey, engage her fans and attract much-needed sponsors.

A recent Wall Street Journal op-ed from Tim Rupli of USA Shooting explained McKenna’s frustrating social media woes. He cited the CEO of USA Shooting, Kelly Reisdorf, who said: “By silencing an athlete’s voice, you infringe not only on their freedom of expression but subtly on their right to bear arms as well, as these platforms are critical for educating and sharing the legitimate and safe use of firearms in sport.”

USA Shooting Athlete Conner Prince
USA Shooting shotgun athlete Conner Prince. Photo credit: Brittany Nelson

McKenna is not alone in facing such censorship. Recently, Meta has also taken similar actions against other athletes, such as Team USA shotgun athlete Conner Prince. The Facebook page of the West Point Rifle Team at the U.S. Military Academy was “unpublished” by Meta, which stated that the page “goes against our Community Standards.”

Muzzling YouTube Content

Take the case of Hickok45, a popular YouTube channel that provides informative, safety-oriented content on firearms. Notwithstanding its popularity, Hickok45 has suffered under repeated censorship by YouTube. In 2016 and 2018, the channel was suspended on the grounds of violations against firearm content policies. These policies expressly prohibit content for the sale of firearms and accessories, instructions on manufacturing firearms and ammunition or installing firearm accessories. Yet, they were stretched to the point of absurdity in order to deplatform this channel.

The latest incident saw all videos posted starting from June 18, along with much of their older content, deleted by YouTube.

The censorship of McKenna Geer, Hickok45, Conner Prince and the West Point Rifle Team are part of a disturbing pattern. Meta, Google and other Big Tech firms have an outsized role in public discourse but actively choose to exclude content from that discourse that pertains to our Second Amendment. This is not about guideline enforcement but narrative control and infringements on our fundamental rights.

We can protect our rights and ensure a balanced and transparent online community. We simply start by standing up and speaking out against ideological, anti-Second Amendment censorship.



  1. Tim

    September 13, 2024 at 9:05 am

    they are private companies and have the right to control their properties.

  2. Upsidedownjack1

    August 29, 2024 at 9:39 am

    Not one of these so-called “social media” icons give a shit about YOUR FREEDOM OF “ANYTHING”! Truth to be told, Everyone of them is a SOCIALIST COMMUNIST CONTROL MEDIA PLATFORM! CONTROLLED by the Communist Left, Payed for by the Elites of Power, unwilling to give Any of the P-ON’S anything! Like: freedom of Speech, the Second Amendment, or ANYTHING OF THERE OWN LIFE CONTROL!
    In short, anyone who would freely VOTE for any Democrat (Social Communist) Votes for the Slavery of self, the slow death of Starvation, Pain, and Horrible DEATH! So, go Vote for your (democrat) and your own shitty life, Amy it be Short!

  3. Grifhunter

    August 5, 2024 at 2:52 pm

    You guys do the same thing with your 18 years old verification.

    • Tim

      September 13, 2024 at 9:03 am

      they do it because they have to by law.

  4. Marshall Van Dyke

    August 2, 2024 at 9:20 am

    Unbelievable that in this day and age, this still happens.

  5. Rocktooth

    August 2, 2024 at 9:13 am

    YouTube, Meta, Facebook and Instagram should cease to exist and the sooner the better. I have not and will never use or promote their products. Their non-support and open attempt to control our freedom of expression is reprehensible and unforgivable.
    It never ceases to amaze me as to how little most people know or even care about their Constitutionally-protected freedoms, that so many gave their lives to protect.

  6. Jesse

    August 1, 2024 at 10:49 am

    Meta as Zuckerberg calls it is a WASTE of time. They are ANTI-FREE SPEECH. They support LIES and HATE the TRUTH. If you are not a Democrap they will block your posts and ban you from commenting on others posts.

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