Personally, I’ve never been insulted by the term “gun nut”–hey, if the shoe fits, I’ll wear it till the leather runs out–but I won’t argue that...
In a remarkable twist that’s already electrifying Creepy Uncle Joe Biden‘s race for the Democratic nomination, we here at Freedom’s Lodge have secured the very first...
Are you wondering what the remaining Bloomberg-funded anti-gun Presidential candidates might have up their sleeves as we move into 2020? Well, the best predictor of future...
Metal Art of Wisconsin is one of the newest manufacturers to solve the Gun Owner’s Dilemma: How to keep our firearms out of the hands of...
Pictured above: Hollywood actress demonstrating her bona fides to talk gun policy. Two years ago, actress Alyssa Milano popularized the #metoo social-media movement, and within days...
Proving once again that CrossBreed Holsters has the inside track on every new handgun launch, the leading holster designer and manufacturer has already introduced holsters designed...
Taurus, the Brazil-based gun manufacturer, just announced that the latest extension to their G-series line is shipping to dealers now and will be available to consumers...
There are two kinds of shooters in this world: the ones who hate recoil, and liars. Whichever category you fall into, FalconStrike USA has just introduced...
Is it getting a little expensive to feed your AR-15? Rock River Arms, famous for their accurate and reliable modern sporting rifles, recently introduced a new...
James Bond may have made the Walther PPK a household name, but the credit for its enduring popularity is due entirely to the company. Part of...