A Web of Eldritch Lightning Ignites the Sky, Arcing to the Heart of … Our Monster Giveaway! Lub-dub, lub-dub … it’s alive! They said it couldn’t...
They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. This picture is worth 1,000 anti-gun tears. (courtesy NSSF) “B-b-b-b-but nobody needs an ‘assault rifle’ to hunt deer!”...
Do you dream of dawn in the darkened blind? Do you dream of the soft thump of a buck’s hooves, or the clatter of wild wings?...
The Constitution says “Keep and Bear Arms.” Maybe they should have included “Buy.” There’s a famous science fiction novel called The Weapon Shops of Isher. It’s...
The M1 Carbine has a storied legacy of service, in the hands of American soldiers who carried these rifles into harm’s way. During WWII, the M1 Carbine...
“It’s not fascism when we do it!” Oh, Canada! How we gun-owning Americans cringe as we watch your government chase its tail in ever-smaller circles, doing...
Are these people even listening to the words coming out of their mouths? A few days ago, New York City mayor Eric Adams addressed his constituency...
The next time some anti-gunner asks you why you don’t “just call the cops” instead of arming yourself … … show them this article from the...