We live in a time when, every single time a horrific crime is committed with a gun, the media rushes out to blame…well, all of the...
Biden and Bloomberg just love to swing…swing states, of course! The 2020 presidential election may be fractious, but the true love between Mike Bloomberg and Joe...
The NRA Annual Meeting of Members’ rescheduled time and location has been announced! Earlier this year, the National Rifle Association was forced to cancel its Annual...
Here’s just how desperate the anti-gunners are for a mass shooting. Democrat Joe Biden’s disgusting attempt to exploit the ambush of two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s...
Joe Biden thinks that you should take a psychiatric test to be a gun owner. Which test? This one! Yesterday we learned that Joe Biden‘s “wish...
Got liberals? Good. We need them, and they need us. Most of the time, it’s probably not a problem—your friends and family whose political leanings are...
Note: Today’s action alert comes to us courtesy of Rally For Your 2A Rights! Due to Permit Restrictions the 2020 2A Rally in DC will now...
“This isn’t about electing; it’s about protecting.” The 2020 presidential election may be in full swing, but the Second Amendment Foundation is reminding America that the...
Here’s why you should care about Florida’s ban on gun ownership for adults under 21. In the immediate aftermath of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas...
Have fun telling 5 million people to turn them back in, Joe and Kamala! The 2020 Presidential election has already shaped up to be one of...