What’s that smell? Infringement! It’s a mistake to think that former Vice President Joe Biden’s radical antigun campaign stops with the banning and confiscation of AR-15-style...
We cannot fill the Capitol Mall with our bodies; let us fill the Internet with our voices. Just a few weeks remain before one of the...
From the “Things you knew but couldn’t prove” files… If you’re a hunter or shooter who uses social media, then chances are you’ve suspected for a...
Why is it that so many proponents of “common-sense gun control” can’t seem to control themselves? A while ago, we ran an article discussing how common...
Remember, Remember on the Third of November… One of the most hilarious aspects of the 2020 Presidential elections is that we Second Amendment supporters get to...
We live in a time when, every single time a horrific crime is committed with a gun, the media rushes out to blame…well, all of the...
Biden and Bloomberg just love to swing…swing states, of course! The 2020 presidential election may be fractious, but the true love between Mike Bloomberg and Joe...
The NRA Annual Meeting of Members’ rescheduled time and location has been announced! Earlier this year, the National Rifle Association was forced to cancel its Annual...
Here’s just how desperate the anti-gunners are for a mass shooting. Democrat Joe Biden’s disgusting attempt to exploit the ambush of two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s...
Joe Biden thinks that you should take a psychiatric test to be a gun owner. Which test? This one! Yesterday we learned that Joe Biden‘s “wish...