From the moment that Virginia Governor Ralph Northam settled himself into the gubernatorial mansion in Richmond—thoughtfully purchased for him by America’s wealthiest gun-grabber, Mike Bloomberg—he has...
Are you wondering what the remaining Bloomberg-funded anti-gun Presidential candidates might have up their sleeves as we move into 2020? Well, the best predictor of future...
Metal Art of Wisconsin is one of the newest manufacturers to solve the Gun Owner’s Dilemma: How to keep our firearms out of the hands of...
Pictured above: Hollywood actress demonstrating her bona fides to talk gun policy. Two years ago, actress Alyssa Milano popularized the #metoo social-media movement, and within days...
It’s your right and mine…but that doesn’t mean I have to use that right. About five years ago, the NRA released a statement about open carry...
When you absolutely, positively must have the ultimate in accuracy and terminal performance… When the top tier of professional shooters insists on using Federal Ammunition to...
Here’s an “inconvenient truth” that today’s crop of gun-banners wishes you’d ignore… If you listen to the current crop of Presidential candidates, it would be very...
Proving once again that CrossBreed Holsters has the inside track on every new handgun launch, the leading holster designer and manufacturer has already introduced holsters designed...
Who knew that “domestic terrorists” have lawyers and a copy of the Bill of Rights? It’s a sad day for America when it becomes necessary to...
Taurus, the Brazil-based gun manufacturer, just announced that the latest extension to their G-series line is shipping to dealers now and will be available to consumers...