It’s simple, it costs nothing, and it’ll work better than what we’re doing now. Hear me out… What’s always struck me the hardest after each headline-grabbing...
Every gun owner meets at least one of these in their lifetime… If you own firearms and you don’t mind letting people know it, sooner or...
The funniest video you’ll see all week leads us to a useful question… It’s a tense, suspenseful video depicting a tense, suspenseful situation. Indian police have...
The only thing anti-hunters hate more than hunting is when a woman does it. This week, anti-hunters in Scotland reacted with pearl-clutching horror to learn that...
Today, we have a guest column from our resident gun-control expert Ima Nidiot, human wind tunnel and personification of the word “moist.” Take it away, Ima!...
Every time the mainstream media covers Second Amendment issues, we get to hear the “paranoia” slander… …And every time an actual disaster hits, and armed citizens...
This is a situation in which I don’t mind going green (as long as I can also go red, white, infrared…) It may be the case...
Are you a woman buying your first gun solo? Congratulations! Women who are considering buying their first gun for self-defense face a dizzying array of choices,...
Projection isn’t just a way to get your voice heard… …Projection is, of course, a psychological term used to describe a maladaptive way to process feelings...
Maybe it’s because I’m more “Special Farces” than “Special Forces,” but… If you spend enough time hanging out in Internet-based gun forums (fora?), sooner or later...