Projection isn’t just a way to get your voice heard… …Projection is, of course, a psychological term used to describe a maladaptive way to process feelings...
Maybe it’s because I’m more “Special Farces” than “Special Forces,” but… If you spend enough time hanging out in Internet-based gun forums (fora?), sooner or later...
Did something newsworthy happen on Saturday? BECAUSE I CAN’T TELL. It was, as we’ve already been told ad nauseum, a Day That Would Go Down In...
Confidence Under Duress is Your Right! Langdon Tactical offers hundreds of products—from accessories, to custom trigger work, to tactical firearms training, to CCW Safe self-defense coverage—but...
Smith & Wesson and Ruger are two of the most widely recognized names among gun manufacturers… …and that’s probably why the anti-gunners are so enamored with...
Dear Mainstream Journalists, here’s why people who know guns think you’re so full of it, you squeak going into a turn. One of the toughest things...
If you carry a concealed firearm for self-defense, the question has no doubt occurred to you: “What would I do if I saw a stranger in...
Lubricia’s back with another reader letter! Hello, lovers! I’m Lubricia Cosmoline, your hoe-stess of “After Dark.” As a long-time aficionado of everything that goes “bang,” I...
Today, we have a guest column from our resident gun-control expert Ima Nidiot, personal-odor trainer and vagina-hat knitting queen. Take it away, Ima! Hello to all...
It’s not paranoia; it’s responsible gun ownership. The self-defense visualization technique for armed citizens known as “Condition Yellow” has recently been the centerpiece of a typically...