Consider, for a moment, the dilemma faced by your average gun-banner. Let’s call him “Derp.” After having struggled through the perils of getting his shoes on...
Everybody panic! It’s a pandemic! (But they just want “two weeks to flatten the curve.”) The last five years have been deeply corrosive to our nation...
Bloomberg and Soros didn’t even bother digging into their own wallets–isn’t that neat? Those two are among the bigger names arrayed against the Second Amendment, and...
They’ve introduced legislation like this before, and it has failed. This time might be different. Recently, U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson’s (R-N.C.) introded a new Concealed Carry...
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Every accusation leveled at pro-gun pols is actually a confession from the accuser. When we were told...
Imagine being so unhinged you’d stop donations going to a children’s hospital because you didn’t like how the funds were raised. For gun banners, that’s not...
Kamala Harris is not okay. This is, hands-down, the strangest presidential election cycle in the last 60 years. A sitting president was revealed to be seriously...
This is John Kerry’s “goose hunt” all over again. Only dumber! Starting to miss John Kerry yet? He may not have exactly covered himself in glory...
This is why there have been so few interviews with Governor A-Walz … he’s no better than Kamala on camera. It’s only been a couple of...
It’ s called the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), and it’s the #1 publication for doctors in the U.S. The politicization of medical science may...