Scratch a Washington State Attorney General, find a Mafia capo. Anti-gunners know that their biggest enemy isn’t made of carbon steel and aluminum; their biggest enemy...
This is, hands-down, one of the anti-gunners’ neatest tricks. Amid all the furor about “red flag” laws, something has been lost: For decades now, it has...
It’ s called the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), and it’s the #1 publication for doctors in the U.S. The politicization of medical science may...
“It’s not fascism when we do it!” Oh, Canada! How we gun-owning Americans cringe as we watch your government chase its tail in ever-smaller circles, doing...
And by “shocker,” we mean “not a surprise at all if you’ve been paying attention.” We deaf old gun guys are pretty used to anti-gunners and...
Once upon a time, when I was just a wee Munson, I used to answer these in earnest. Not anymore. Have you ever noticed that so...
The corollary to “Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People”: Dollars don’t vote, but people do. A few months ago, we published a column about why...
“Of course we should ban guns. Look what happens when you put one in my hands!” I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Gun-banners...
From the moment that Virginia Governor Ralph Northam settled himself into the gubernatorial mansion in Richmond—thoughtfully purchased for him by America’s wealthiest gun-grabber, Mike Bloomberg—he has...
When at first you don’t succeed, fabricate some bullpucky and see who buys it! Right now, the Board of Health in King County, Washington is conducting...