Today’s article comes to us courtesy of the Second Amendment Foundation, which commissioned this poll. _____________________________________________________________________________________ A new survey by McLaughlin & Associates, a nationally-recognized polling...
Editor’s Note: Today’s article comes to us courtesy of  GoWild, an outdoor social-media platform. As “AmmoGeddon”–the nationwide shortage of ammunition that began with the COVID-19 pandemic–continues,...
The city of Gary, Indiana has tried nothing to fix their crime problem, and they’re all out of ideas! Twenty-two years ago, during Bill Clinton’s second...
What are the best pistol sights for old eyes? The Personal Defense Network‘s Rob Pincus stresses that you need to have good sights you can use...
“Microstamping” is one of the gun-grabbers’ biggest “gimmes.” Over the years, American anti-gunners have spent a great deal of time, money, and political capital trying to...
Before they ban all the guns, they must redefine what a gun is. A couple of years back, the anti-gunners were all sheeting themselves about “ghost...
“Evil exists, and you may be visited by this evil.” That quote is courtesy of the Personal Defense Network‘s Rob Pincus, and that concept is at...
Let’s see what kind of Second Amendment “discourse” Twitter does think is okay, shall we? Over the last few days, hundreds of thousands of gun owners...
If the U.S. Supreme Court agrees to hear this case, we could have another Heller on our hands… Today, we here at Freedom’s Lodge have learned...
It’s unlikely we’ll see the Hearing Protection Act passed anytime soon…here’s the next-best thing to a suppressor! The pundits are coming out with their predictions for...