This morning, the National Shooting Sports Foundation‘s Larry Keane has some color commentary to go alongside Keith Olbermann’s recent gun-rights gaffe. What has everyone’s least favorite...
BREAKING: Common Sense Wins the Day For the Second Amendment This morning, we here at Freedom’s Lodge have learned that the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals...
Pennsylvania senators, sooner or later you’re up for re-election. Remember that, because the voters sure will. Nearly 6 out of 10 Pennsylvania voters oppose President Joe...
Q: What’s the most common word at the shooting range? A: “Huh?” American shooters who are still able to experience the entire upper and lower registers...
In 1862, a gold-mounted Henry rifle was presented to President Abraham Lincoln. From that day on, the gift of a Henry Big Boy rifle has been...
Note: The following article comes to us from the National Shooting Sports Foundation. CONGRESSMAN DESPISES GUNS, LOVES GUN TAX DOLLARS By Larry Keane Congressman Jamie Raskin...
Today’s article comes to us courtesy of the Second Amendment Foundation, which commissioned this poll. _____________________________________________________________________________________ A new survey by McLaughlin & Associates, a nationally-recognized polling...
Editor’s Note: Today’s article comes to us courtesy of  GoWild, an outdoor social-media platform. As “AmmoGeddon”–the nationwide shortage of ammunition that began with the COVID-19 pandemic–continues,...
The city of Gary, Indiana has tried nothing to fix their crime problem, and they’re all out of ideas! Twenty-two years ago, during Bill Clinton’s second...
What are the best pistol sights for old eyes? The Personal Defense Network‘s Rob Pincus stresses that you need to have good sights you can use...