The M1 Carbine has a storied legacy of service, in the hands of American soldiers who carried these rifles into harm’s way. During WWII, the M1 Carbine...
“It’s not fascism when we do it!” Oh, Canada! How we gun-owning Americans cringe as we watch your government chase its tail in ever-smaller circles, doing...
The anti-gunners in Congress have decided to table the “assault weapons” ban vote for now. According to reporting from Politico, House Democrats have elected to punt...
“You might as well sue an axe manufacturer for the Lizzy Borden murders.” We’ve all come to expect the hilarious insanity that is California’s “gun control.”...
If the only way to win a debate is to muzzle your opponent, you lose. New York isn’t the only state pitching a world-class toddler tantrum...
We’d like to thank New York City for playing. Show ’em what they’ve won, Vanna! A few days ago, the Second Amendment community won big in...
Once again, polling is showing that Americans understand that AR-15s aren’t “Assault Rifles.” Amid the renewed clamor by anti-gunners for a ban on so-called “assault weapons,”...
Once again, Creepy Uncle Joe is working to be Gun Salesman of the Year! In the aftermath of this week’s murderous rampage by a deranged killer...
The “Nonhuman Rights Project, Inc.” makes PETA look sane. Remember PETA? Their long, slow slide into irrelevance began with naked pictures of dopey vegetarian celebrities and...
New York Governor Kathy Hochul saw a madman commit a terrible crime … and judged the Bill of Rights guilty. A few days ago, some waste...