Got liberals? Good. We need them, and they need us. Most of the time, it’s probably not a problem—your friends and family whose political leanings are...
Note: Today’s action alert comes to us courtesy of Rally For Your 2A Rights! Due to Permit Restrictions the 2020 2A Rally in DC will now...
“This isn’t about electing; it’s about protecting.” The 2020 presidential election may be in full swing, but the Second Amendment Foundation is reminding America that the...
Here’s why you should care about Florida’s ban on gun ownership for adults under 21. In the immediate aftermath of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas...
Have fun telling 5 million people to turn them back in, Joe and Kamala! The 2020 Presidential election has already shaped up to be one of...
Seems punishing law-abiding citizens and rewarding looters doesn’t crime…who’da thunk it? Seattle’s anti-gunners have secured a “victory” in turning their fair city into another San Francisco–complete...
Get out your shoulder things that go up, guys–it’s party time! The Second Amendment world is all agog this week because the California 9th Circuit Court...
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms also includes edged weapons…and they’re after those, too. If Americans are curious about what life will look like if...
Good luck painting her as a wild-eyed crazy person, gun-grabbers! When California instituted a new law requiring a background check to buy ammunition, most of the...
Creepy Uncle Joe recently took a break from hair-sniffing to enlighten us on all things black… When Creepy Uncle Joe Biden isn’t busy sniffing women’s hair...