The Coronavirus pandemic may not be the zombie outbreak we gun owners have been jokingly talking about for the last decade or so, but it’s definitely...
As Covid-19 fears sweep the country faster than the illness could ever hope to, anti-gunners are out there buying guns. Let’s help them! One of the...
Personally, I’ve never been insulted by the term “gun nut”–hey, if the shoe fits, I’ll wear it till the leather runs out–but I won’t argue that...
In a remarkable twist that’s already electrifying Creepy Uncle Joe Biden‘s race for the Democratic nomination, we here at Freedom’s Lodge have secured the very first...
It’s the morning after the Super Tuesday primaries, and the candidates can go Hump Day themselves. Ah, Super Tuesday, the day when American supporters of the...
A new Department of Justice study proves that “crime guns” just don’t come from gun shows. Period. The Department of Justice recently ran a study that...
Boy howdy, anti-gunners love “red flag” laws like a fat kid loves cake… Anti-gunners are like teenage girls in a lot of ways; in addition to...
In one of the most hilarious developments we’ve seen since Biden offered the nation’s women a self-defense lesson, it’s recently come to light that anti-gun leading...
Is there anything more disturbing than when an anti-gunner‘s “mask of sanity” slips? If you’ve never heard the term “mask of sanity,” it was coined back...
In a tremendous coup for Freedom’s Lodge, we’ve secured an exclusive interview with Dog Face Pony Soldier–whom, up until now, has been a figure shrouded in...