For coming up on two decades now, anti-gunners have been touting so-called “smart guns” as a way to end crimes in America that are perpetrated using...
Social media rejects the Second Amendment, but they can’t stop the signal. The Second Amendment Foundation today announced it is expanding its media effort to warn...
Can we all get a nice, hearty, “Let’s Go, Brandon”? If you’ve been reading Freedom’s Lodge for a while, you know perfectly well that banning guns...
Today, we have a terrific article from the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Larry Keane. The NSSF’s research division has learned of new data courtesy of polling...
Hmm, what’s that smell? Why, it’s infringement! Some time ago, the state of New York had a list of potential ways to cut down on crimes...
Editor’s Note: We have a lot of fun here at Freedom’s Lodge with the “Sh*t Anti-Gunners Say,” but our friends over at the National Shooting Sports...
And by “shocker,” we mean “not a surprise at all if you’ve been paying attention.” We deaf old gun guys are pretty used to anti-gunners and...
The 2021 off-year elections went poorly for the anti-gun billionaire. Let’s point and laugh. Today, we here at Freedom’s Lodge are in possession of an excellent...
Today, we have some excellent news straight from the nation’s highest court! Following Wednesday morning’s oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of New...
Ever wondered what Mad Max: Thunderdome would look like in America? Ask Seattle! Every generation, humanity needs to be reminded that guns save lives, and that...