The gun-grabbers’ motto has always been “Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste.” COVID-19 is that crisis. One of the most infuriatingly hilarious facts about anti-gunners...
If you ever needed proof that “gun control” is about “control” and not “guns,” here it is. The gun-grabbers of the world love to pretend that...
In times of crisis, the Second Amendment stands as a bulwark against the forces of chaos. And also boredom. As more and more Americans settle into...
The Coronavirus pandemic may not be the zombie outbreak we gun owners have been jokingly talking about for the last decade or so, but it’s definitely...
Personally, I’ve never been insulted by the term “gun nut”–hey, if the shoe fits, I’ll wear it till the leather runs out–but I won’t argue that...
In one of the most hilarious developments we’ve seen since Biden offered the nation’s women a self-defense lesson, it’s recently come to light that anti-gun leading...
From the moment that Virginia Governor Ralph Northam settled himself into the gubernatorial mansion in Richmond—thoughtfully purchased for him by America’s wealthiest gun-grabber, Mike Bloomberg—he has...
Pictured above: Hollywood actress demonstrating her bona fides to talk gun policy. Two years ago, actress Alyssa Milano popularized the #metoo social-media movement, and within days...
Here’s an “inconvenient truth” that today’s crop of gun-banners wishes you’d ignore… If you listen to the current crop of Presidential candidates, it would be very...
Why is it the “feminist allies” who are always the biggest creeps? The next presidential election is slouching towards Bethlehem, and so far the rough beast...