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Biden Wants to Kill Gun Industry, Second Amendment

Just don’t get it from Remington, because they’ve been sued to bankruptcy.
Remember, Remember on the Third of November…
One of the most hilarious aspects of the 2020 Presidential elections is that we Second Amendment supporters get to watch Biden’s campaign claim that they have no intentions of infringing on the 2A even as they gleefully plan to infringe upon the 2A. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) would like you to remember on the third of November that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are 100% dedicated to destroying the firearms industry … and that will infringe upon your individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Here’s how.
1. The Biden-Harris gun control agenda would stamp out firearm retailers, and deny their customers the ability to shop online. Those transactions still require the customer to make a face-to-face appointment complete with ID and NICS check, but the Biden-Harris ticket has been acting as if buying guns online is like an Amazon purchase (which really seems to have confused the Hell out of their followers).
2. A Biden-Harris administration would end the online sale of ammunition and all gun parts, eliminating the right Americans have enjoyed since the founding of our nation to make and assemble their own firearm. They claim to support “gun safety” but want to make it difficult for gun owners to repair their firearms.
3. Lastly, Biden and running mate U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) would ration the exercise of the Second Amendment by restricting law abiding Americans to purchasing just one firearm a month. This is a constraint of which has never been considered – and would never be tolerated – for any individual right contained in the Bill of Rights.
This isn’t just about protecting firearms businesses. Your Second Amendment right to buy and own guns won’t matter if there aren’t any manufacturers still in business. And yes, that’s a very real threat…just ask Remington. (Just be sure to do it before Friday, because that’s when the legendary and now-bankrupt manufacturer will shutter its doors.)
“The single greatest threat to gun rights in America is Joe Biden. The single greatest safeguard against his agenda is an educated and engaged voter in the voting booth,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “Joe Biden blatantly called the firearm industry ‘the enemy’ from the debate stage. His agenda to restrict the lawful means for Americans to exercise their Second Amendment right is a grave danger to our God-given rights and our civil liberties. All Americans must understand the unconstitutional overreach he would enact to obliterate firearm businesses across America.”
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