Gun Rights
Scratch a Gun-Grabber, Find a Felon

Mugshot courtesy Becker County Sheriff’s Office
Have you ever wondered if anti-gunners are secretly hoping to make life safer for burglars, muggers, rapists, and murderers? Wonder no longer!
It’s a dreadfully cynical prospect to contemplate, but if you’re not cynical about the motives of gun-banners, then you simply haven’t been paying attention. The anti-gunners haven’t tried to hide their violent fantasies for a long time, and the reason they’re being so open about it is that they’re projecting their own motives onto you.
But here’s the twist: They also identify more strongly with felons than they do with the law-abiding. It’s easy for them to imagine breaking into someone’s house to steal, and hard for them to imagine being a law-abiding self-defender. If they were breaking into a home, they wouldn’t want to be shot doing it, and that’s why they’d like to ban guns. Case in point? Minnesota State Senator Nicole Mitchell, who has been charged with first-degree burglary after breaking into her stepmother’s home. Sen. Mitchell loves gun control like Ohio sheriffs love Afroman’s Lemon Pound Cake.
I guess now we know why, don’t we?
So, what should the American justice system do with Sen. Mitchell? The same thing it does with all Americans charged with a crime … and Senator Mitchell better hope that Justice is truly blind, lest she be treated the same way she’d love to treat her constituents who own guns. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) has more!
Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Laborer Caucus (DFL) Senator Nicole Mitchell, facing a serious burglary charge, should be treated with the same suspicion her record suggests she treats gun owners—like criminals—the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said.
Mitchell is due in court June 10 as the result of her arrest by Detroit Lakes police for burglary. Pubcclished reports say she was apprehended inside her step-mother’s home at about 4:45 a.m. April 22, allegedly taking things belonging to her late father.
“Senator Mitchell has supported restrictive gun control measures as though she believes every gun owner is a potential criminal or crazy person,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “She supports restricting the rights of law-abiding Minnesota gun owners who have committed no crime, and she now stands accused of actually committing a felony. The irony here is staggering.
“Felony burglary is a serious offense,” he continued. “It’s the sort of thing for which someone might get justifiably shot by a legally-armed homeowner. It’s no wonder why she wants to disarm Minnesota residents.”
Gottlieb also pointed to other Minnesota Senate Democrats who are rejecting demands that Mitchell be barred from voting until an ethics investigation is completed. Democrats argue nothing should happen before Mitchell has had due process.
“Shouldn’t that same standard apply to anyone disarmed by a red flag complaint,” he questioned. “We haven’t seen the DFL raising due process concerns about mandating laws that infringe on people’s Second and Fourth Amendment rights.
“If Senator Mitchell deserves the benefit of doubt, so does every honest gun owner in Minnesota,” he said.
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