Have you ever asked yourself why Biden doesn’t just set up a workstation for David Hogg under his desk? So has Biden! And the answer he...
Back in 1993, Joe Biden was busy shepherding the ’94 “Assault Weapons Ban” through Congress. The Nineties were heady days to be a gun banner. Bill...
Remember when this was a meme, and not an actual quote? Good times. Beware the JubJub Bird and shun the Frumious Bandersnatch! It seems that Biden’s...
Once again, Creepy Uncle Joe is working to be Gun Salesman of the Year! In the aftermath of this week’s murderous rampage by a deranged killer...
Today, we have an urgent bulletin from the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). NRA-ILA is the part of the NRA that does the actual lobbying...
For coming up on two decades now, anti-gunners have been touting so-called “smart guns” as a way to end crimes in America that are perpetrated using...
Can we all get a nice, hearty, “Let’s Go, Brandon”? If you’ve been reading Freedom’s Lodge for a while, you know perfectly well that banning guns...
They sure do love to threaten us with nukes, don’t they? A couple of years back, Eric Swalwell earned himself a podium in the anti-gun Hall...
Today’s article comes to us courtesy of the Second Amendment Foundation, which commissioned this poll. _____________________________________________________________________________________ A new survey by McLaughlin & Associates, a nationally-recognized polling...
Let’s see what kind of Second Amendment “discourse” Twitter does think is okay, shall we? Over the last few days, hundreds of thousands of gun owners...
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