Journalists: They’re just like you and me, only BETTER! The Second Amendment Foundation is calling for an investigation of possible gun law violations by NBC News...
Can we all get a nice, hearty, “Let’s Go, Brandon”? If you’ve been reading Freedom’s Lodge for a while, you know perfectly well that banning guns...
Now THIS is what we call a “Happy Holiday”! Whatever holiday you celebrate, and however you celebrate it, we can all agree that the best way...
The 2021 off-year elections went poorly for the anti-gun billionaire. Let’s point and laugh. Today, we here at Freedom’s Lodge are in possession of an excellent...
Ever wondered what Mad Max: Thunderdome would look like in America? Ask Seattle! Every generation, humanity needs to be reminded that guns save lives, and that...
The Second Amendment Foundation is too polite to call California a skinny weak girly state. I’m not. The Second Amendment Foundation’s hitting Muscle Beach in an...
Facebook hates guns, so we’ll just make our own fun. Remember back when Facebook used to be fun, before it mutated into a weird, warped social-justice...
This morning, the National Shooting Sports Foundation‘s Larry Keane has some color commentary to go alongside Keith Olbermann’s recent gun-rights gaffe. What has everyone’s least favorite...
It’s all over, folks: Cuomo’s on to us! A couple of days ago, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-Hell) announced that New York State is in...
Michelle Viscusi has haters…but she can’t hear them. Ever met Michelle Viscusi? Well, this pro shooter has been tearing up the competitive shooting scene with her...