Joe Biden thinks that you should take a psychiatric test to be a gun owner. Which test? This one! Yesterday we learned that Joe Biden‘s “wish...
Got liberals? Good. We need them, and they need us. Most of the time, it’s probably not a problem—your friends and family whose political leanings are...
“This isn’t about electing; it’s about protecting.” The 2020 presidential election may be in full swing, but the Second Amendment Foundation is reminding America that the...
The corollary to “Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People”: Dollars don’t vote, but people do. A few months ago, we published a column about why...
It’s the morning after the Super Tuesday primaries, and the candidates can go Hump Day themselves. Ah, Super Tuesday, the day when American supporters of the...
In one of the most hilarious developments we’ve seen since Biden offered the nation’s women a self-defense lesson, it’s recently come to light that anti-gun leading...
Is there anything more disturbing than when an anti-gunner‘s “mask of sanity” slips? If you’ve never heard the term “mask of sanity,” it was coined back...
If you’re curious about the “Metamorphosis” the anti-gunners are planning for our Second Amendment, look to the Left Coast. For decades, the gun owners of California...
“Of course we should ban guns. Look what happens when you put one in my hands!” I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Gun-banners...
Are you wondering what the remaining Bloomberg-funded anti-gun Presidential candidates might have up their sleeves as we move into 2020? Well, the best predictor of future...